Thursday, September 5, 2024

Make Second Storey Additions Project Easy With These Tips

Second Storey Additions
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Projects like second-storey additions or first-floor extensions are enormous and involve a lot of money. It becomes essential to get them right in the first attempt only. You can consider the following things to ensure success in the first attempt.


The home additions builder selected for second storey additions should be registered and you must prioritise licenced and registered builders. Adding these new storeys to the existing property is a complex process and only the most learned and experienced professionals can do justice with the project. They will create a team of skilled architects, tradies, and engineers to complete the job.


This selected home additions builder should inspect the existing property and understand your requirements related to second-storey additions or first-floor extensions. Based on this, they must create a blueprint that gives you an idea of what you had expected and what can be delivered. In most cases, home addition builders exceed your expectations and offer something that you never imagined. They aim to make the area more open, spacious, and ventilated and add features you had never heard of for your family's comfort.


Engaging in projects like second-storey additions without insurance is a huge mistake. Experts recommend getting insurance protection before initiating the construction process, and this insurance will cover any damages occurring during second-storey additions. You will stay protected from expensive blowouts to costs after getting insurance protection.


You will be able to claim insurance on any mishap only if the team there was following council building regulations strictly. This also involves getting approvals from the local council regarding adding second-storey additions or first floor extensions to your existing property. This will also involve getting the design approved by the local council.

You must also consider incorporating energy-efficiency features in second-storey additions to trim down energy consumption and do something for your environment. The cost of making your second-storey additions energy efficient will depend on certain factors such as the design and layout and the materials used in the project. Energy efficiency-related features and other technologies will also influence the level of energy efficiency achieved.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

What Advantages Come Along With Second Story Additions?

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More space is a major reason why people opt for second-story additions. Some are more concerned about the scenic views of the surroundings and want to experience them without sacrificing yard space. The ideal solution for them are second-story additions. This construction can transform your living space and elevate the looks completely. There are so many benefits of second story additions and we have discussed the best one here.



Getting a second-story addition constructed by a home additions company can enhance the living space in your property immediately. According to the experts, this is a brilliant solution for growing families who need extra bedrooms, bathrooms and privacy without consuming the property's yard space.


With projects like second story additions, a home additions company in Sydney ensures that the outdoor space on the ground floor is not consumed at all. It is a precious outdoor area that your kids use as a playing spot, and you can preserve it completely by expanding the home upwards. You will not have to sacrifice your garden, patio, or kid's play area to accommodate the growing family.


Second-story additions built according to the laws by a home additions company in Sydney will suddenly boost your property's value. The additional square footage and modern design will appeal to potential buyers, and they will happily agree to the cost you quoted. This construction becomes a wise investment in the long run.


By constructing upwards, you can enjoy the scenic beauty of your surroundings. A second-story addition will open up opportunities for breathtaking views that will transform your home into a private sanctuary. Experts from Sydney's chosen home additions company will give you every opportunity to customise your space. You can create bedrooms with interiors of your choice; in other words, the possibilities are endless.

To achieve all these benefits, you must closely coordinate with the chosen home additions company Sydney. The professionals will help you navigate the unique challenges and make your project flawless and completely stress-free. They will also allow you to customise the property to match it seamlessly with the existing property. They will add your unique style to your addition and ensure that the natural light and ventilation are flawless in the new construction.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Innovative Ideas to Use Second Story Additions of Your Property

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If you have a rapidly growing family, believe me second storey additions will be a great investment. They are a wonderful way to expand the space, maximise the square footage and give adequate privacy and space to every family member. Second storey additions ideas are countless, and there is no end to the creativity on how to use this area. We have covered some top ideas in this post.


The second storey can be used to create a new office, and this is a brilliant idea after the advent of the covid-19 pandemic. This was the time, when the entire globe was working from home and now hybrid working has become a new trend.

To set up an office on this floor, you can ensure an ample supply of natural light, and all modern amenities are present to keep you comfortable while working.


Believe me your kids will thank you for their entire life if you take advantage of second storey additions to add a playroom for them. Again, ample supply of natural light has to be ensured by using bigger windows and for additional safety, you can keep them fully sealed.


Additional bedrooms in first floor additions and second storey additions will give more space to your growing family. Additional bedrooms in these areas mean decongesting the ground floor and giving space and privacy to every family member. Your family members will live in their private space without interfering in each other’s lives.


The second storey additions can be used to create additional storage rooms, and this is a really smart move. With a growing family, additional products and possessions are required, and to accommodate them comfortably, more storage space is needed. The second storey additions can have additional storage space along with additional bedrooms to accommodate more belongings without any issue.


One of the most significant benefits of second storey additions is that they can be used to create dedicated guest rooms. In other words, your guests will have a dedicated space to live comfortably with modern amenities like a bathroom, a toilet, a balcony and modern interiors.

Additionally, creating a study room, walk-in closets, or a complete bathroom is also great for using second story additions and first floor additions in the right way. Study rooms can be accommodated with the office space to let kids concentrate on their studies while keeping an eye on them. Walk-in closets mean families will have a full bathroom with modern installations to enjoy the shower.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

How to Get Council Approvals for Home Additions in Australia?

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When a family extends, every homeowner feels the necessity of a bigger property to accommodate every family member and offer deserving privacy to everyone. This is easily possible with home additions, as it allows the homeowner to update the property and make it more spacious, open and ideal for every family member. At the same time, the construction work must be carried out as per the council approvals and laws. For homeowners, these laws and the approval process can be overwhelming, and this is where the home addition contractors can be beneficial.

Since they are closely associated with the industry, they are fully updated with the latest laws and rules related to home additions, first floor additions, second-floor additions, etc. They must also take it as their responsibility to get the necessary council approvals and get paperwork cleared before the construction process.


Councils from different states have different rules and laws regarding the projects that need council approval. Hence, the homeowner must check with the local council or rely upon the construction contractor for this information. It is worth understanding that most internal renovations don't need any council approvals. But yes, if structural changes are involved in internal renovations, you might have to get approvals from the local council. External renovations, building works, home renovations, home additions, etc., will all require council approval, and no matter how small the project is, it is always helpful to get these approvals.

Significant extensions and projects involving substantial excavation or filling and free-standing constructions like granny flats, studios, etc., will require council approval.


The approval process differs between councils, and you must get accurate information from your local council. Generally, the following steps are involved in the process.

  • You start by contacting your local council and confirming the policies, procedures and associated fees.

  • The home additions builder appoints a professional draftsman or an architect to draw the plan.

  • The team from the home additions builder gets the plan approved by the building certifier.

  • He approves that the plans comply with the local building codes.

A principal certifying authority is then appointed to certify your plans and be responsible for monitoring the construction process closely. His role is to ensure that the construction is done according to the plan. This principal certifying authority will also provide an occupational certificate once the construction is completed.

Friday, March 8, 2024

How to Use Second Storey Additions the Right Way for Your Family?

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It is depressing and heartbreaking for someone to vacate a property that he has been living in for a decade or two. This situation arises in every family as it grows, and members ask for more space and privacy. In such situations, first-floor additions and second-storey additions emerge as handsome options to give everyone the deserving privacy and space while enhancing the overall resale value of the property. This option is very realistic regarding increasing the square footage and using the new construction in several ways. Here is a quick post on why first-floor extensions and second-storey additions are so preferred compared to relocating to a new locality.


After the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, most companies globally have adopted a hybrid work policy by allowing their people to work from home. In this situation, people require a peaceful place in their home to use as an office to concentrate on their projects. First-floor extensions and second-storey additions answer this, as sufficient space will be there to use as an office, completely secluded from the entire family for more peace, discreetness and solace. They can ensure that it has plenty of natural light coming in, and customisations like storage, shelving, desks, etc., give it the perfect look of an office.


First-floor extensions or second-storey additions can also be used as extra bedrooms to accommodate your family and growing kids. These bedrooms can also be very useful for your ageing parents who now want peace and togetherness as a couple.


First-floor extensions and second-storey additions are perfect for those dreaming of a bigger kitchen in their property. The second storey additions can be used to have a bigger kitchen, a bigger living room and a bigger bathroom. But remember, with these areas, you might have to compromise with the size of the bedrooms or eliminate them. An extra living room is a perfect idea that will allow all your family members to sit together, watch TV and enjoy meals in each other’s company.

However, it is essential in the beginning only to confirm that the existing property can bear the weight of an additional storey. This can be done by ensuring that the existing foundation is stable, and for this, a deep inspection is recommended. The contractor chosen for first floor extensions and second storey additions will inspect the foundation closely for cracks or signs of wear and tear. He will also determine the septic system and plumbing installation and make arrangements for them on the second floor. It will be his responsibility to ensure that the upcoming building complies with local zoning laws and that all building codes are followed during construction.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

How Tough It Is To Be A DIY Builder For Home Extensions?

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The inflation in the real estate sector is higher than the usual inflation rate. This motivates homeowners to get home extensions done rather than moving to a new property or going for knocking and rebuilding. Another trend is that most people choose to build themselves rather than hire a registered builder. The reason they cite is that this saves a lot of money, but for this, everything must go precisely to plan, and you must have sufficient experience in building. Another reason is that they will have complete control over the process and the design and build of the property.

But a question worth answering is whether it is a practical solution or not, and we have covered this in this blog post.


If you are planning to become a DIY builder to build your home extensions or second-story extensions, you must acquire the following three qualities.

Using your own skills to build

Manage a team of tradespeople (sub-contractors) to work on the property

You must be a registered builder or at least applied for owner-builder registration with the building commission

There are some crucial facts to know regarding building construction, and they are essential regardless of whether you attempt DIY or hire a registered builder.


Any construction process seeking investment over $5000 will require some obligations to fulfil. 

First, you must use a registered builder, and secondly, you must also have a written domestic building contract. For any project worth over $12000, you must have a current certificate of domestic building insurance or the registered builder must produce this certificate.

A certificate of consent from the building practitioners’ board is also required for any project costing over $12000.


Regardless of how small or big the project is, some plans and permits will be required, and this is where a registered builder can be handy. He will ensure that all the plans and permits needed for home extensions and second storey extensions are arranged on time. This will include the following – 

Local Laws

Mandatory Energy Rating Requirements

Foundation Data, Including Soil Tests, And Engineering

Excavation Costs, If Required

Site Survey Results From A Licensed Land Surveyor


The most stressful thought of being a DIY builder for home extensions is managing the overall process and keeping the team united throughout the project. You will need several service providers, sub-contractors, tradespeople, and others to engage in construction. A registered builder can be beneficial in your home extension process as they are experienced in managing the entire team. Apart from this, the team also has additional expertise and skills to manage the team and keep it united throughout the process.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Why are Floor and 2nd Storey Additions So Much in Trend?

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The concept of home additions is instrumental in enhancing the size of the living space and its overall value. Constructions like first-floor additions and 2nd storey additions become essential when the family continues to grow, and they have no alternative but to live in the available space. These constructions become very useful in this situation as they allow everyone to live comfortably and have a private space. Let us go through some benefits of home additions, but we will begin with understanding what home additions are.


A home addition is a construction process used to enhance the space of the existing property by constructing another floor or some additional building sidewards. This mainly includes the services of a home additions company that holds expertise in first-floor and 2nd storey additions to increase your property’s size. Based on your requirements and available space, you can construct several rooms, like a living room, gym, some bedrooms, a kitchen, your office or a room for kids to play. In short, if a reputed home additions company in Sydney works by your side, you will find endless possibilities with home additions. The most common reasons why people go for home additions are – 

  • A family member moving in 

  • An additional bedroom

  • More driveway space

  • Expanding the kitchen for increased functionality

  • Creating an office or another personal space



The first benefit is a combination of two benefits – getting more space to live or that space can be rented out to have some extra income. In this situation, you must work with your home additions company to ensure that the space you plan to rent out meets all building codes and guidelines. You must make the area safe and comfortable for tenants to live along with all significant amenities offered to them.


With constructions like first-floor additions and 2nd storey additions, your property experiences a sudden boost in its resale value. It is easy to understand that the space will increase and help your property’s value boost up to almost 50%. Here also, the space you are creating will be a crucial factor. This means you will have to invest heavily in constructing a couple of bedrooms, a spacious kitchen and a living room. In this regard, the experience of the chosen home additions company in Sydney will be very crucial, as the team will provide you an insight into what additions to get to make the property’s value go higher.

Apart from this, people often opt for first-floor additions and 2nd storey additions for reasons like enhancing the storage space and improving the traffic flow and layout. You will see some homeowners going for home additions as they find it more cost-effective than relocating.

Make Second Storey Additions Project Easy With These Tips

          Image Source: Projects like second-storey additions or firs...