Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Genius Home Extensions Ideas to Extend Space in Your Home

 The first thought that rushes into the mind of homeowners is of building or buying a new house when they start feeling the shortage of space in their existing properties. But another option is to save hundreds and thousands of dollars while improving the quality of life significantly. This option is potent enough to add more space and value to your current property and ensure that you stay in the area that you are living in now. 

Home extensions Sydney is the right approach that ensures flexibility, comfort, and value. However, to make all these claims a reality, you must keep your approach positive and consider this option. You should not panic at all and immediately decide about getting a new home in some other locality.

With the help of a high-quality home additions builder, you will get multiple ideas on how to extend your home. Let us explore some amazing ones in this write-up.


Most properties in Sydney had large block sizes in the past, and there was no reason to build upwards. But now, the situation has changed completely, and the average block size is somewhere around 383 square metres. This means that adding another floor is a great idea and a perfect way to add more space to your current property. As a part of the home extensions Sydney project, you can move all your bedrooms above, and the ground floor can be dedicated to an extended kitchen, a lounge, a dining area and a living area.


Most properties have a garage, but it remains unused all the time. Home additions builders have solutions for this, and with quick and easy conversion; this can become a whole extra room for your property. It can be used as a luxurious main bedroom or just a place for kids to enjoy home cinema.


If you use your garage to park your vehicle, you need not worry, as home additions builders also have a solution to this. You can consider extending above the garage, and it can be an ideal solution if you already have two storeys. A new room or a couple of rooms can be built above your garage and linked with the rest of the floor. They can also work well as standalone rooms that can be used as guest rooms, a home office, gym or a studio space for content creators.


The unused exterior side part of your house can also be used in house extensions Sydney projects by the home additions builders. While staying in compliance with the building codes, you can extend several rooms by the side of your home and make a massive difference while ensuring that you don't have to invest in purchasing a new property for another five decades.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Reasons Why Home Additions Are Better and Why Relocation Is Risky

Someone who has decided to relocate from the existing property and location to a better one is always confused about one thing. He has to decide whether to go for additions, or relocation is the only solution. Both options have their share of advantages and disadvantages, but overall, first floor additions are always better than your location. In this write-up, we have explored the drawbacks of moving, and then we will also go through the top reasons why home additions should be preferred over moving.

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The family will take a lot of time to adapt to a new environment. The family owner will have to make adjustments regarding how to travel to their job, and he will also have to determine school transportation or search for new schools.


Relocation comes with the fact that you will move to an entirely new location where no one would know you, and you will know no one. Your neighbours will be unfamiliar with you and vice versa, and again you will have to invest a lot of time in making a solid bond with your neighbours.


Yes, relocation is exciting compared to getting home additions done, but it is also risky. The family owner has to plan finances and pay attention towards every smallest detail of the location process. There are also chances of getting scammed if the contract is not read carefully. Also, expenses related to packing and moving furniture and then unpacking and placing them are significant.



To get first floor additions done, a family owner will simply need the services of a construction contractor and leave the project on the team. They will assess the situation, research a bit and then deliver a home addition that makes your property more spacious, grander and more valuable.


As compared to relocation, getting home additions done will cut your research time and expenses in half. A building permit would be required, and your construction contractor will be responsible for arranging this permit. He will also hire an architect or an interior designer for design inspirations, and as a result, you will get a property that has more space to accommodate your family members and is better in terms of resale value.

Make Second Storey Additions Project Easy With These Tips

          Image Source: Projects like second-storey additions or firs...